The Major Ruling Role of our Weak Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field- Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers- Journal of Complementary Medicine
The article accentuate on the important major role,
which the weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) plays in the human
body - it rules and regulates all biochemical processes in the body.
This is because all biochemical substances have weak electromagnetic
fields and are influenced by external weak electromagnetic fields (EMF).
Since all organs are subordinated to the Subconscious, the human NEMF
rules and regulates all the processes from the Subconscious. It operates
with the waves of the NEMF as a quantum computer. Measurements of the
author, when combined with Russian measurements reveal the dynamic of
the human NEMF, which is ruled by emotions. These combined studies
reveal the essential role emotions play in our health and wellbeing.
Keywords:Human nonlinear
electromagnetic field; How NEMF rules and regulates; NEMF as a quantum
computer; Dynamic of NEMF; Emotions rule NEMFIntroduction
I spent almost 40 years of my life measuring the
human weak NEMF. It is 1,000 times weaker than the biocurrents of the
physical body. While the biocurrents are measured in milliamperes, the
weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) is measured in microamperes
and parts of them. Since measuring NEMF required very sensitive
equipment, NEMF remained terra incognita for many many years. Being
unable to measure it, most of the scientists denied it exists.
It was found that very weak currents (microamperes)
can stimulate bone regrowth [1], but there was no understanding why. It
was also found that all cancer cells are electrically negative but there
was no understanding why. It was found that the intracellular space is
mostly water and collagen and they both are very sensitive to electrical
changes and so are the membranes between the cells.
It was also found that cellular populations are
effective accumulators of photons and very sensitive to photon emission
with wavelength from 350 to 800nm. It was found that the DNA, RNA, and
all other bioactive substances have EMF, emit weak NEMF (including
photons) [2,3], and are sensitive to weak NEMF (and photons). Based on
study of the weak photon emission, F. Popp [3] concluded in 1983 that
the super-weak field in the organism is capable of regulating all
biochemical processes (through electromagnetic interaction).
Where is the NEMF Located?
Our brain has two hemispheres. While the left
hemisphere is specialized in: writing, reading, reasoning, mathematics,
and languages, etc., which relate to the conscious, the right hemisphere
is specialized in: spacial imaging, visualizing, artistic ability, etc.
which relate to the Subconscious [4,5]. Many scientists think that the
right hemisphere relates to the subconscious and the left hemisphere to
the conscious - simple, but not quite true.
Hypnosis, which put the Conscious to sleep and allows
access to the Subconscious, revealed that at subconscious level we have
a full-life memory storage and that calculations are done with very
high speed. This means that at subconscious level we have a
sophisticated Quantum Computer, which as shown in a previous article
[6], operates with the waves of our NEMF located in the Subconscious.
This Quantum Computer of the Subconscious, through
the waves of our NEMF rules and regulates everything in the body. In the
Subconscious is also the whole emotional brain consisting of a larger
ring related to positive emotions and a smaller ring related to negative
emotions. Let us see how positive and negative emotions relate to the
surface of the brain hemispheres. If the whole subconscious was
projected onto the right hemisphere, all the emotions would be projected
onto the right hemisphere, but this is not the case.
Clinical observation on the behavior of epileptic patients show that:
when EEG measures enormously high electric potential on the surface of
the right-hemisphere of the brain, the patient usually cries for no
obvious reason, which means that negative emotions relate to the right
b) when EEG shows abnormally high electric potential on
the surface of the left-hemisphere of the brain, the patient
usually laugh for no obvious reason, which means that positive
emotions relate to the left hemisphere [3].
Also, a careful study of facial photographs shows that sadness
and depression are more intensely expressed on the left side of the
face (where the electrical activity of the facial muscles was found
to be higher), which is ruled by the right hemisphere. This means
that sadness and depression are emotions of the right hemisphere.
On the contrary, positive feelings are more intensely expressed
on the right side of the face (where the electrical activity of the
facial muscles was found to be higher), which is ruled by the left
hemisphere [5]. This means that positive emotions are specific for
the left hemisphere.
Thus, the larger ring of positive emotions of the Subconscious
is obviously projected onto the surface of the left hemisphere,
while the smaller ring of negative emotions of the subconscious
is projected onto the surface of the right hemisphere. Therefore,
the whole Subconscious is not projected onto the surface of one
brain hemisphere. Also, clinical finding show that a small stroke in
the subconscious could disable a huge portion of cells on the brain
surface, which means that the projection is like a funnel.
If you look at the human NEMF on Figure 1, you will see the
funnel on top of the head, but it goes deeper. However, the funnel
is twisted because the left side of the face and the left arm and leg
project onto the right hemisphere and the right side of the face
and the right arm and leg onto the left hemisphere. This twisting
indicates that the torus shaped NEMF on Figure 1 spins and it
initially span clockwise to suck energy in to build the material
body (see the next section for details).
This proves that the material body was created under the
orchestration of the torus shaped NEMF on Figure 1, which spins.
However, as said some scientists simplify the picture and relate
the right hemisphere to the subconscious and the left hemisphere
to the conscious. If so, the balance of the two hemispheres is also
a balance conscious-subconscious. However, considering the real
situation of the positive emotions being projected on the surface
of the left hemisphere and the negative emotions projected on
the surface of the right hemisphere, the balance of the two brain
hemispheres means balance of positive and negative emotions.
Measuring the NEMF and Determining its Dynamics
The human EMF has a torus shape and is nonlinear, just like the
solar EMF has a torus shape and is nonlinear. Also, the human EMF
has a chain of alternating vortices and anti-vortices just like the
sun has chains of alternating vortices and anti-vortices. However,
when the vortices and anti-vortices of the Sun are powerful and
visible through telescopes as dark spots called solar sports, the
vortices and anti-vortices of the weak NEMF need super-sensitive
equipment to be detected.
With our patented super-sensitive energy meter, we measured
the chain of alternating vortices and anti-vortices (Figure 1),
which are along the backbone. The results of the measurements
are presented on (Figure 2).
Using our patented supersensitive energy meter, we measured
the weak NEMF (Figure 2) and found that at negative emotions
(or just negative thinking) the body looses energy. Not only is the
total energy of the NEMF lower, it is more imbalanced because
the energy of the genetically weak organ drops down maximally.
This means that each distress takes us a step farther to a chronic
disease or cancer of the genetically inherited weak organ [7].
Our measurements of NEMF (Figure 2) revealed that at
positive emotions (or just positive thinking) the energy of the
NEMF increases and becomes more balanced. This means that
each positive emotion (or just positive thought) is making you
healthier [6]. Perfectly balanced NEMF is perfect health.
The Russian scientist Shkatov developed and patented
equipment, called ‘torsemeter’, which allows him to measure
the spinning of our NEMF. He found that at negative emotions
(distress) the torus-shaped NEMF spins counterclockwise [8].
Also, measurements of Shkatov revealed that at positive emotions
the torus-shaped NEMF spins clockwise [8].
Nonlinear Physics needs to step in to explain why things are
the way we found them. There is a rule of the folded fingers of the
right hand, which states that if the folded fingers were in direction
of the electric currents, the thumb would show the direction of
the magnetic field induced by the currents. Let us apply this to our
spinning NEMF [8].
At negative emotions (or just negative thinking), the counterclockwise
spinning of our NEMF will induce counterclockwise
currents. Let’s orient the fingers of our right hand counterclockwise,
and then the thumb would show direction outward for the
magnetic field, which means our NEMF will be loosing magnetic
energy at negative emotions (or just negative thinking) [8].
At positive emotions (or just positive thinking), the clockwise
spinning of our NEMF will induce clockwise currents. Let’s orient
the fingers of our right hand clockwise, and then the thumb would
show direction inward for the magnetic field, which means our
NEMF will be gaining magnetic energy at positive emotions (or
just positive thinking) [8].
Clockwise should have been the direction of spinning when
NEMF enters the fertilized cells because clockwise spinning would
bring the energy needed to be sucked in to start the development.
Studies in Russia showed that when a generator of torsion fields
copied the NEMF of a tadpole and projected it on embryo cell
with removed DNA, a tadpole developed [9], which proves that
the information carried by the NEMF is the one that rules the
development of the embryo.
If positive emotions make the torus-shaped field spin
and gain energy, while negative emotions make it spin counterclockwise
and loose energy, we should be able to compensate
for the lost energy at negative emotions with positive emotions.
However, ancient Chinese wise men used to say [10]: avoid pursuing
big goals in life, but if you fail in pursuing your goal, you need
to have 3 to 4 smaller goals the successful achievement of which will
the positive emotions necessary to compensate for the negative
emotions from the failure in pursuing the first goal.
This means that if we have problem balancing our emotions, it
is because we need three to four positive emotions to compensate
for one negative emotion. Contemporary studies of stress found the
same ratio. When comparing the biochemical substances released
at negative emotion (distress) with the amount of biochemical
substances released at positive emotions, the scientist found the
same ratio 1: 3-4 [11].
Now, let’s go back to the spinning of our NEMF. If 3 to 4 positive
emotions are necessary to compensate for one negative emotion,
this means that at negative emotions when the torus-shaped
NEMF spins counterclockwise, it must spin 3 to 4 time faster if the
lost energy can be compensated only by 3 to 4 positive emotions.
This explains the ancient wisdom of the Hindus “do everything
to avoid anger because anger is a very destructive emotion. Always
remember that ‘Anger’ is only one letter away from ‘Danger’ [7]. A
wise man would stop the irritation from growing into anger.
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