
Showing posts from August, 2019

Juniper Publishers: Evidence Informed Musings from The Intensive Care ...

Juniper Publishers: Evidence Informed Musings from The Intensive Care ... : Journal of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Juniper Publisher Authored by  Sonali Vadi* Abstract Evidence-informed...

Juniper Publishers: Evidence Informed Musings from The Intensive Care ...

Juniper Publishers: Evidence Informed Musings from The Intensive Care ... : Journal of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Juniper Publisher Authored by  Sonali Vadi* Abstract Evidence-informed...

Juniper Publishers: Estimation of Evaporation at Tharandt, using Daily...

Juniper Publishers: Estimation of Evaporation at Tharandt, using Daily... : International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources Juniper Publishers Authored by Antensay Mekoya* Abstra...

Juniper Publishers: Evidence Informed Musings from The Intensive Care ...

Juniper Publishers: Evidence Informed Musings from The Intensive Care ... : Journal of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine Juniper Publisher Authored by  Sonali Vadi* Abstract Evidence-informed...

Stomach Problems that Causes Gastric Pain from the Perspective of Iranian Traditional Medicine: A Mini Review- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of complementary medicine Abstract The stomach disorders are among the most common gastrointestinal diseases that reduce the quality of life. Traditional medicine had been important in treatment of disease since long ago. The causes of stomachache in Iranian traditional medicine are, abnormal humeric substance in the stomach, Yellow bile or Safra and Black bile or Sauda in the stomach, existence of gas in the stomach, excessive filling of the stomach, excessive sensation of the stomach. Diagnosis and treatment of stomach pain is important, gastrointestinal tract disorders spreads to other organs and causes significant problems. Keywords: Stomach Gastric pain; Iranian Traditional Medicine Mini Review The stomach disorders are among the most common gastrointestinal diseases that reduce the quality of life and heavy economic burden, the prevalence of indigestion in Western countries...

Juniper Publishers: Distribution of Coastal and Marine Herpetofauna in...

Juniper Publishers: Distribution of Coastal and Marine Herpetofauna in... : Oceanography & Fisheries Open AccessJournal Juniper Publishers Authored by Sandeep Munjpara* Abstract The Gulf of Kachchh ...

Juniper Publishers: Review of the book “Noonomy” by Sergey Bodrunov_Ju...

Juniper Publishers: Review of the book “Noonomy” by Sergey Bodrunov_Ju... : Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology Juniper Publishers Authored by Vladimir Plotnikov* Mini Review “Noonomy” by S...

The Major Ruling Role of our Weak Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Complementary Medicine Abstract The article accentuate on the important major role, which the weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) plays in the human body - it rules and regulates all biochemical processes in the body. This is because all biochemical substances have weak electromagnetic fields and are influenced by external weak electromagnetic fields (EMF). Since all organs are subordinated to the Subconscious, the human NEMF rules and regulates all the processes from the Subconscious. It operates with the waves of the NEMF as a quantum computer. Measurements of the author, when combined with Russian measurements reveal the dynamic of the human NEMF, which is ruled by emotions. These combined studies reveal the essential role emotions play in our health and wellbeing. Keywords: Human nonlinear electromagnetic field; How NEMF rules and regulates; NEMF as a quantum computer; Dynamic of NEMF; Emotions rule NEMF ...

Juniper Publishers: Sensory Evaluation of Ancient whole Grain Gluten- ...

Juniper Publishers: Sensory Evaluation of Ancient whole Grain Gluten- ... : Nutrition & Food Science International Journal Juniper Publishers Authored by Talwinder S Kahlon* Abstract The sensory evalu...

Juniper Publishers: Interventions for Suicide Prevention: The Need of ...

Juniper Publishers: Interventions for Suicide Prevention: The Need of ... : GlobalJournal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine Juniper Publishers Authored by Hemendra Singh* Opinion Suicide ...

Juniper Publishers: Understanding the Relationship of Chronic Toxoplas...

Juniper Publishers: Understanding the Relationship of Chronic Toxoplas... : Advances in Biotechnology & Microbiology Juniper Publishers Authored by Taibur Rahman Abstract Toxoplasma gondii  is...

Juniper Publishers: Preparation of Novel Morphinan Derivative as a Res...

Juniper Publishers: Preparation of Novel Morphinan Derivative as a Res... : Peer Reviewed Chemistry Journals Juniper Publisher Authored by Sureshbabu Jayachandra* Go to Abstract The acid catalyzed...

Juniper Publishers: Sensory Evaluation of Ancient whole Grain Gluten- ...

Juniper Publishers: Sensory Evaluation of Ancient whole Grain Gluten- ... : Nutrition & Food Science International Journal Juniper Publishers Authored by Talwinder S Kahlon* Abstract The sensory evalu...

Our Weak Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (Nemf) that Rules Everything in the Body is Emotionally Sensitive- juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Complementary medicine Abstract The Russian scientist Shkatov used his patented equipment ‘torsemeter’ to measure the direction of spinning of our weak NEMF. He found that negative emotions make the torus-shaped NEMF spin faster counterclockwise, while positive emotions make it spin clockwise. In this article, the finding of the Russian scientist Shkatov was compared with measurements with our patented equipment of the energy of the alternating vortices and anti-vortices of our NEMF at positive and negative emotion (or just positive or negative thinking). This comparison (with the help of nonlinear physics) allowed us to see the whole dynamics of our weak NEMF, which rules and regulates everything in the body. This helped us see the role emotions play in our health and in the onset of chronic diseases or cancer. Keywords: Human nonlinear EMF; EMF spinning at negative emotions; EMF spinning at positive emotions; Our measurements of ...

Juniper Publishers: Pott´s Disease: A Diagnosis that Should Never be F...

Juniper Publishers: Pott´s Disease: A Diagnosis that Should Never be F... : Journalof Case reports Juniper Publishers Authored by  Rosa Carvalho Go to Abstract Pott’s disease (PD) or spinal tubercul...

Juniper Publishers: Variations in Aggregate Stability and selected Soi...

Juniper Publishers: Variations in Aggregate Stability and selected Soi... : Agricultural Research & Technology Open Access Journal Juniper Publisher Authored by Uzoma K C* Go to Abstract The cha...

Juniper Publishers: Pott´s Disease: A Diagnosis that Should Never be F...

Juniper Publishers: Pott´s Disease: A Diagnosis that Should Never be F... : Journalof Case reports Juniper Publishers Authored by  Rosa Carvalho Go to Abstract Pott’s disease (PD) or spinal tubercul...

Effect of Lycopene on Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamics of Gliclazide in Diabetic Animal Models- juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Complementary Medicine Abstract Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the metabolic disorders associated with high blood sugar levels. Utilization of natural drugs among patients under diabetes mellitus pharmacotherapy is across the board. Objective: To examine the pk-pd(pharmacodynamic-pharmacokinetic) interactions of lycopene and gliclazide in animal models and to understand the safety & effectiveness. Methods: Single and multiple dose interaction studies were carried out in normal rats, diabetes induced rats and rabbits to evaluate the effect of lycopene on the gliclazide activity. Blood samples from the study animals were used for the estimation insulin and glucose levels by using radioimmunoassay method and chemistry analyzer (automated) respectively. Homeostasis model assessment used for determination of β-cell function. Additionally, sophisticated HP-LC technique used for analysis of diabetic rabbits serum sample...

Juniper Publishers: Helicobacter Pylori Strains Isolated from Iraqi Su...

Juniper Publishers: Helicobacter Pylori Strains Isolated from Iraqi Su... : GastroenterologyOpen Access Journals Juniper Publishers Authored by  Abdulghani Mohamed Alsamarai Go to Abstract Backgr...

Juniper Publishers: Severity of Hip Displacement in Relation to Subtyp...

Juniper Publishers: Severity of Hip Displacement in Relation to Subtyp... : Orthopedics and Rheumatology Open Access Journal JuniperPublishers Authored by Kunju PAM* Abstract Background:  Hip dislocati...

Secondary Immune Deficiency (like Chemoterapy-Induced) Means no Vaccines- juniper Publishers

 juniper Publishers- Journal of Complementary Medicine Secondary immune deficiency is the immune deficiency caused by chemotherapy or other drugs taken for a long time [1]. It should be self-understanding that when the immune system is weakened by chemotherapy or prolonged usage of a drug or drugs, the doctor shouldn’t recommend immunizations because if the immune system is weaker, it should not be asked to deal with more and more new viruses, even when these viruses are weakened as they are in the vaccines.  Here is the proof of it. Research was done in Europe with two groups of mice. Both groups were exposed to toxic chemicals. But the second group was also exposed to another stressor. In the first group 27% of the mice died, in the second group 62% of the mice died. This means that if the body deals with one stressor (cancer), do not add another stressor the body needs to deal with (like virus from immunization).  I had a friend, who tremendously i...

Regimenal Therapy a Drugless Regimen for Well Being of a Person in USM and its Important Place in the Mainstream Treatment of USM- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Complementary Medicine Abstract Literally “Tadbeer” is an Arabic word which means “regimen” or “systemic plan” whereas “Ilaj” means “therapy” or “treatment”. Thus, “Ilaj-bil-tadbeer” means treatment through special regimen. It is a method, through which maintenance of general health and care of the sick person are attained through modulation or modification in Asbaab-e- sitta zarooriya (six essential factors for life). These regimes are actually meant for the Istifraagh-e-akhlaat-e-radiya (evacuation of morbid humours) from the body. These morbid humours are true culprits which are basically responsible for the onset of disease. As soon as these morbid humours are removed from the body by applying some regimens, normal health gets restored. Ibn-e- Sina, an eminent Unani scholar wrote in his famous book “Canon of Medicine”, that there are almost 36 regimens. Some examples of these regimens include, Fasd (Venesection), Hijaamat (Cuppin...