Our Weak Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (Nemf) that Rules Everything in the Body is Emotionally Sensitive-Juniper Publishers

The Russian scientist Shkatov used his patented equipment ‘torsemeter’ to measure the direction of spinning of our weak NEMF. He found that negative emotions make the torus-shaped NEMF spin faster counterclockwise, while positive emotions make it spin clockwise. In this article, the finding of the Russian scientist Shkatov was compared with measurements with our patented equipment of the energy of the alternating vortices and anti-vortices of our NEMF at positive and negative emotion (or just positive or negative thinking). This comparison (with the help of nonlinear physics) allowed us to see the whole dynamics of our weak NEMF, which rules and regulates everything in the body. This helped us see the role emotions play in our health and in the onset of chronic diseases or cancer.


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