Whether Adults with Flexible Flatfoot need the Treatment might be Better Depend on the Severity than on the Symptom-Juniper Publishers
Journal of Complementary Medicine & Alternative Healthcare This study observed the plantar pressure between flexible flatfoot and normal foot on different walking conditions to find out if flexible flatfoot needs the treatment and how the plantar pressure change while walking upstairs and downstairs. Fifteen adults with mild flexible flatfoot, fifteen adults with severe flexible flatfoot and fifteen adults with normal foot were examined while walking on a level surface, walking up and down 10 cm and 20 cm stairs. The contact area and the load rate were acquired using the RS scan system. The repeated measures ANOVA was performed to analyze the data. Compared with normal foot, both contact area and load rate of severe flatfoot were significantly increased on different walking conditions. When walking down 10 cm and 20 cm stairs, the plantar data of both normal foot and flatfoot were significantly increased. Read more please click on: Full text For more Open access jou...